
           The Seven Words  You Can't Say on the Internet 

American President, Donald Trump, has signed an executive order to ensure the social media platforms stay neutral, and not censor content that pushes a narrative, such as hating on Trump.   A lot of you may have noticed how a post suddenly goes missing or you end up banned for whatever reason...just me?  Trump was grumpy because Twitter fact checked him.  (I always thought Twitter was something for birds, but when I heard Trump was tweeting, I knew it was. But it may be more for twits, now)
     So, now all the big tech execs are squirmin' like dug up worms, lol.  In  an interview with Zucherberg on Fox media, he was flappin' his yap and dancing side to side like Howdy Doody.  In a masterful mash of bullshit, Zuckie nervously bleated how he didn't do it, but just a little bit, but China does it, but it's okay how they do it, but he wouldn't do it, but he did it, just a little bit, yada yada bla bla bla.  Basically, to me, it sounded like he was saying how he was going to be a good little Zuchini from now on...for a little bit...
     So I didn't want to piss away the opportunity while he's tangled in his own strings, to alert everyone about the 7 words you can't say on the internet.  If this gets yanked, flagged, or fact checked, I'll know the Zuckster is still up to his tricks.  If I end up in Face Book jail,...well... I'll see you in 30 days.  But it will be worth it, on the chance my warning gets out.
     If you say only one of these words, Zuckifers' eyes might pop wide open and his jaw will hang agape; his arms will fly up holding flags...and steam may even whistle through his ears and nose... if angered enough, the Zucherello might show up at my place and kick my ass...but, here it goes....
     The first and most volatile, is 'China.'  
     There are a lot of other words associated with 'China,' and I'd like to say it acts an umbrella for all the rest but they might think I'm referring to 'The Umbrella Movement' of 2014 in Hong Kong.
     Other words that funk the algorthyme when you mention China are: Tiaman, Tibet, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Falun Gong, The Great Famine, The Cultural Revolution, Corona Cover-up, Uyghurs, wet market, Winnie-the-pooh and Tigger too. (Owl may soon join the crew!):

     The Chinese Communist Party are very sensitive.
     They like their history with Chinese characteristics.
     And they'll screw you until it's true.
     The list could be longer and continues to grow everyday, but basically, you're better off not mentioning China at all, lest you incur the wrath of the 50 cent army.
(50 cent army: annoying trolls with a bad command of the English language)

     The second word you should be careful using on-line is the word 'Trump.'
     You can use the word, but exercise caution on how you use it. Ribbitz top ten conspiracies for the week mention an algorithm designed to detect whether any reference to the word Trump is negative or positive.  If the reference is positive, then 'BLOOP! BLOOP! BLOOP! the flags go up.  If you call him 'an orange man bad', you're good to go.
     Basically, you have to take anything he says and twist it, discredit it and/or mock it,and throw in some Russian collusion for good measure.  If he says chloroquine, and you don't want the Zucklops glare suddenly on you, you say; "He likes aquarium cleaner, ha ha ha."   If he walks into North Korea, then you call him week or in bed with the enemy; and then of course, add a ...ha ha ha.  If he approves a successful strike on an Iranian General responsible for the deaths of your soldiers, diplomats and innocent civilians, you paint Trump as a ruthless killer and add an optional ha ha ha and you're good to go.  If he resuscitates a rooster, you call him a cock-sucker.  If, during a speech, he refers to 9/11 as 7/11, then...well you get it.

     Another word to avoid is 'WHO.' Not the question but the world health organization.  They dictate the medical narrative for the pandemic, and for some reason, don't want anybodies input, even if they're a doctor specializing  in Virology, which has worked in Wuhan and regularly eats bat soup for lunch.
     You have to be pretty careful if delving into the Dr. Who ward; they're pretty sketch.  'Don't close the doors, close the doors, I never said that, I told you so, Be like China, Who is Taiwan?  Not WHO, but who?  They are China, we are...Who?  Wait...what?...we are who?... WHO?...Chloroquine!  Oh! That Trump! Ha ha ha...'  

     They are as bi-polar as two white, male bears sharing an iceberg with an overly flamboyant female in the desolate Arctic.  Their as left field as the next stadium over.  They are like an incompetent proctologist that doesn't know shit, acting like a doctor for anorexics whose patients are getting thin.  
     Yet we have to tip-toe through their crazy maze if we want to reach the truth about what the hell is going on. 
     Little tip: when doing a search refer to them as WTF (who the fu**) and you should be able to slip past the manic owl without making eye-contact.

     The next 3 words are relatable and interchangeable, but don't you dare get them wrong. They are; gender, race and religion.  Should you be deemed politically incorrect, even by accident, you're screwed. You are now required to know 12 genders, 789 races and 3,683 religions.  If you get anything slightly wrong: REPORTED!  for life...
      This is the trickiest path to tread, because they wait by the wayside to bait you.  Some are master baiters, waiting for hits while they troll.  They openly offer all the information you need to know about them right away, even if you don't ask, and like chunks of tetris blocks piling up around you, you have to figure out the shape you can assume to keep the game going: 
     "My father was a mother fucker until he found religion and taught wrestling and my mother married my tranny granny from my Innuit Anglo-Muslem side.  I was born because my father gave my mother a Sanctioned-suplex by accident, and that's why I am what I am!" 
      And while you're naively still trying to wrap your brain around it, they toggle the bobber so you take the bait: "What do you think of us?"
     And suddenly the ball is in your court.  If you take too long to respond, it's misconstrued as rude.  If you confess you don't know what they are talking about, you're labeled an ignorant bigot.  If you try and be understanding you can be labeled a liar, because they may not even understand what the hell they're talking about.  If you're calm, you're cold.  If you're cool, you're cruel.  If your consoling, you're condescending.  If you're confident, you're pretending.  If you're passive,  you're an ass-wipe.  If you're forceful, you're an ass-hole.  If you suggest borders, you're a Trump supporter.
     There is an avalanche of labels that can bury you if don't properly avoid labeling others.  
     Even if you innocently suggest going out to eat some chicken and auto-correct changes it to kittens, it is all on you, and can easily slide downhill from there.  As the interlinked AI passes it around, you can go from eating chicken at KFC, to eating kittens with the KKK, to licking the dickens out of naked apes, to hitting chloroquine with cocaine.  There goes your social score down the drain. Every surveillance camera with face recognition is going to zoom right into you as you pass, click and beep madly and perhaps give you the evil eye if it could.  Beep beep... doesn't like animals...click click... hates everyone...vroomm...dances naked...whrrr whrrr...supports Trump....  By the time the AI is done playing 'Telephone Line' with you, you could be double flunked; pretty soon you're a lecherous, inhuman, radical, crappy dancer, prone to prolonged gas attacks and brief moments of sobriety.  And there's nothing you can do about it, even if you figure you are a fairly good dancer.
     So please tread carefully when wading through the swamp; there are leeches, eels and bottom feeders.
     The seventh and last word, is still to be known.  In all honesty I wrote the first 6 in March of 2020, then got stumped. I figured it would have blatantly presented itself by now like a swamp monster rising from the dark depths under a creepy moon.
     It is now Feb. 5, 2021: Biden was elected with more votes then any other previous president, against math defying odds, Trump is being impeached (again) for insurrection, and exiled by the twits; the national Guard has been around the White House since the inauguration, Ted Cruz is gunning for AOC and  Howdy Doody is dancing with Dorsey....
     There is a ghastly beast rising from the bog, for sure, but it's exact mass and nature are a mystery, like coal in ink, and is yet to be defined. What will this absolutely intolerable scourge be, that we dare not utter its' name in accepted company?  Supremacy? Fraud? Stonk? Kamellas' big badonk?
     I'm stumped.  Maybe you know what it might be. Tell me what you think in the comments below....and hit that like button, then duck and cover. 



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