
The Meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything

Life: Be fruitful and multiply.

Universe: A starry kinda canopy, which gives the illusion of infinity and serves to make humans feel like atrophy.((can I get a 'snap-snap-snap!) Life operating at various frequencies inhabit it on a spacial plane or simultaneously. Basically, a medium for life to grow.

Everything: God

Do We Exist?

Alrighty then...having proved Gods existence in the previous post, it raises the question, 'Do we exist?'

I mean, we must be a manifestation of God, right? and not He our manifestation if He didn't exist.

He would be the absolute in the equation,and we the variable. He, the benchmark and we, the possibilities.

So then our existence couldn't be if He didn't exist.

...boy...I sure am glad I'm sitting down right now...

Objective Proof God Exists

A lot of human energy is spent wondering whether God exists. Many people through-out history have tried to prove or disprove His existence. Many with a religious slant will refer to a text (such as the Bible) to rely on their arguement, but their claims are never accepted through out the scientific communities because their arguements are based on a subjective reference. What is required is proof from an objective reference.

Well folks! Onnnnnly at the Coffee House at the End of the Intraverse...at long last... it is here!! Proof of Gods' Existence!!!

So listen carefully.....

What is the ONLY constant with mankind...think of it...there's a turkey sandwich for the first person who guesses it...the only thing that has not wavered since the earliest recorded history...anyone?...

Sorry. Times up. And the answer is!...

We interupt this message to bring an important message from Ogr81: O sorry. I meant to go to the fridge and get something to eat. Buuuuttt...ummm...love your neighbours as yourself, I guess...if you want...doesn't make a stitch of difference in the long run I suppose...and ahhhh...live long and eat proper.

We now return you to your regularily scheduled message.

...War is justified through this constant; religion is justifed through this constant. In fact...wait...what's this?

I've just been informed that our message was interupted, so for the sake of those who missed it and those on AOL, we'll be repeating just what that constant is:

Despite mankinds efforts to establish autonomy, the brotherhood of man has drawn us closer. In other words: Even though we have constantly strived to establish ourselves over others, the global community has increasingly gotten closer, and we are left more equal then before.

War is justified through this constant; religion is justifed through this constant. In fact, our pride and greed and hate have proven to be quite a driving force.

Allow me to examplify:

Beginning of time: 'Tribe A' learns of 'Tribe B' living on the other side of the mountain. They attack them in hopes of getting their supply of coconuts. They are victorious, and not only get their coconuts, but their women, and all their possessions. Not too shabby, figures Tribe A. (which is now more like Tribe AB)

A Little Later: Tribe AB was assimilated via war into a people who call themselves race C. Only the artisans, craftsmen and some women were spared from the battle. Race C is very religious,and believe it was their god who made them victorious. Race D hears of their victory, and find it insulting to their god. They go to war. The necessity of war required they find a quick way across a lake, and Race D uses wind power for the first time. Race D is victorious by a small margin - not a decisive war at all. The rift between their gods grows, even though trading resumes. Only now, the lake betwixt the two can be crossed in half the time.

Close to Tea Time: Turns out both C and D had the same God. Hehe. Imagine that! What are the odds? And to top it off, one of His main commandments was to treat others as you would like to be treated. O! The irony! But they went to war again because of a difference of interpretation anyway. This time it was bad, with a lot of casualties and ugliness. The war even left the battlefield and desecrated whole towns and cities. It lasted many years,and was almost the ruin of race C and D.
But it was race E that was their downfall. Both other races had appealled to E for assistance at various times through the war, but E stayed nuetral until both sides were week, then pounced all over them. Then there was just a race E (that was comprised of people from A,B,C, and D) which practiced religious tolerance to keep the peace in such a wide spread empire.

Tea Time: Not much happened...It was TEA TIME!

After Tea Time: Empire E meets Empire F...

So right from the get go, we have hated eachother. and tried to kill eachother, yet despite all efforts, the world has become a closer community.

Even at this very moment...and this one too, we are seeing this global community growing at an unprecedented rate. Language dialects are disappearing as mass-communication and mass-transportation influence the most remote villages. The internet and television have excelerated it tremendously. Our first picture of earth was a huge milestone for us.

Yet we struggle against it, like fish fighting a current.

So...my point is...and this is the part where I prove God exists...despite all our efforts against it, a very real, undiminishing force is guiding us toward one world and one people. The one deity that has survived the times is God, whose influence continues to spread. (Considering Indian and Asian exceptions, and referring to the widest geographical array)

Usually the most obvious answer is the right one, scientists say. So: What is this power that doesn't show any regard for human endeavors, and continually twists their purposes to its' own purpose - God!

Spirituality and the Soul

The soul is for the body, and spirituality is the garment we use to cover our nakedness.


clap on!

Nothing is greatest of all

It is where all things start

Music imbues the silence

The unknown intruded by science

And love fills a lonely heart