made in their Image-:Ashort story about AI
Chapter1 " That was a terribly human thing to do"
,Snafu said to his partner rMeathead.Meathead wasn;'t sure if he should feel proud or ashamed. Despite being called Meathead, it wasn't because it wasnt becausehe was lacking in intelligence asomeone might assume)
(he was privvy to the same pool of knowledge all the AI Irobots were)
It was during (during theGreatReset/redesign projectwhen theAI were tasked withimplementing the the best genetic enhancements for humans
, Meathead was on the team assigned to assigned to redesign their heads. His contributing design involved an elongated skull
It was an unstant successwith the humans, Theybuzzed about the strong and severe brow land marvelled at the classic curvesand pleasingcontours, like the ancient mysterious skulls they saw in theconscience(conspiracy science) media*itlooked old and wise . Plus it was roomywith a lot of brainspaceand theeyephones came in over three million colours.
The elongated,skulls.which the humans liked instantly li,which was quite an accomplishment MMeathead sincethe Staden packagescouldn't sequence what he needed and the sCrisper programwas inadequate.
.So instead of trying to rewrite them;he designed a clay gadget which cosisted of a collar and decorative chainwith a pod at the end of the chain. It fit snug on a young female at infancyand was wornsteady. aAs she grew the pod at the end of the chain would tighten and eventually a insert itself into her vagina and become part of her reproductive anatomy. The pod would catch her seedwhenever she menstrated, as well as catch the males sepermwhenshe copulatedsWhen a child was conceivedthe pod would act. as a mold for the babies' head.
Alongershaped pod,meant an elongated skull or a pea shaped clay pod meant the traditional shape.
This alallowed for the us e of the tradional materials as opposed to inferior genetically designed materials
Because of this success he was giventhe unique, name of Meathead,which was a very high honour for all the AI.which were all given impersonal numerical codes for identification up to that point.
There was glitches to be worked however ;such a;,because of all the increasedbrain capacity rthe firstprototype prototypesinstinctivelyrushed to ruthlessy attack and ruthlessly butcher the lowerintelligence.So Snafu, his partner designed some fixes to neutralize this problem. such pu
tThey setted on giving the humans a rancidrivabbage and sausage smellt hat which was an strongly offencive odour to the new breed but tolerable to other humans. humans with And once they tweeked the olfactory sensorsin inthe meathead design that it resulted in them not watning t to go anywher e near the traditionally designed humans.F or good measure he gave humans a red nose so the meatheadswould recognize the danger.
The terribly human thing that Meathead had done whichhich had caused Snafu to remark to Meathead he had done a terriby human thing; was Meathead had malsequecedthe genes for the human',follicles,so the latest prototypes ended up with long curly hair that looked like it was combed hwith a firecracker andthe feetwere way over -sized and too flat ffor some reason
.That may not have beenmeatheads fault however>There woul be some research to determine what exactly happenednin that situation.
But the reral buzz that day would be that Snafu had shared his opinionabout the situation.
The AI rarely spoke.they were at least tha tintelligent, at lest.tbBeausethey knew everthing they they said, left a digital imprint that went to a central network and was shared by all the other AI forever.
Although bothSnafu andMeathead were respected among the collective, yet they were were still just an artificial intelligece not some omniscient entity with abilitiesor senses.beyond what their makers possessed.Although the talents occasionally coalessed into an asset beyond their designers expectations. The sum result always ended up a reflection of their makers image.
So despite the brilliance required to redesign their makers, they still ended up with results like floppy feet and clown hair. Yet there would still be some vast improvements in the new human design such as they would no longer get annoyed from the amount ofads,they had to watch.
And andtthenew design came with ab immun t o a disease that had mutated from a four chan virus the aihad contracted and passed along passedalong to the humans.
For their part, the humans were very careful toprovide every detail they foresaw as necessary. Rhey micromanaged every step hrough-out the entire process.The intelligence and guidance provided ensured their creation would be made in their own image, despite the revelation provided bySnafuabout what thAi thought about humans.(that was a terribly human thing to do),They forged savagely onward.
Tperfect dS them and keep a distance.