Was the Earth Once a Biosphere
A lot of times when I come up with my far-fetched ponderings, if inspiration is granted, then I try and find the most logical conclusion to a whack-o-data. The onus then becomes to disprove the conclusion. For example:
The soul is the smallest quantum partical to exist, (with a spin 12) and resides between the brain stem and spinal chord. It resembles a sun, but the human soul has a black dot in front of it (similarly described in the song by The Police; "There's a little black spot on the sun today...that's my soul up there"...and the song 'Black-hole Sun.') The black spot fluctuates and varies in size, depending on the persons spirituality, and its' vacuum will suck in any light it can. The eyes reflect the soul but in a filtered way, much the way a tinted window will alter the view outside.
G'ahead...try to disprove it.
The earth was once surrounded by a layer of ice. It started out thin. then through the years it got thicker; the way frost builds on a window. The earth, as a result, had a thinner gravity, since the ice revolved slower, and absorbed a lot of the gravitational pull. This allowed for the existence of large species, such as dinosaurs. As well, it never rained, but mist watered all the face of the earth.
Then one day it began melting quickly. It flooded the whole earth. Towards the end, when the sphere had lost its' integrity, huge chunks of ice fell from the sky.
In the after-math, tidal waves swept the earth, and the thick new clouds blotted out the sun; making it very cold. The denser gravity made it harder for large species to move, and once they were gone, evolution would see to it that only smaller species would inhabit the earth.
Over the years, some of the water, mostly ice at first, receded to the poles, and an ecological balance was found. The gases of the ozone layer are the only vestige the ice sphere left.
G'ahead...try and disprove it.
It would seem if you want to terraform a planet, a layer of ice would be ideal at first, perhaps essential. Without it would be like not putting ingredients for gelatin into a container until it sets.
The soul is the smallest quantum partical to exist, (with a spin 12) and resides between the brain stem and spinal chord. It resembles a sun, but the human soul has a black dot in front of it (similarly described in the song by The Police; "There's a little black spot on the sun today...that's my soul up there"...and the song 'Black-hole Sun.') The black spot fluctuates and varies in size, depending on the persons spirituality, and its' vacuum will suck in any light it can. The eyes reflect the soul but in a filtered way, much the way a tinted window will alter the view outside.
G'ahead...try to disprove it.
The earth was once surrounded by a layer of ice. It started out thin. then through the years it got thicker; the way frost builds on a window. The earth, as a result, had a thinner gravity, since the ice revolved slower, and absorbed a lot of the gravitational pull. This allowed for the existence of large species, such as dinosaurs. As well, it never rained, but mist watered all the face of the earth.
Then one day it began melting quickly. It flooded the whole earth. Towards the end, when the sphere had lost its' integrity, huge chunks of ice fell from the sky.
In the after-math, tidal waves swept the earth, and the thick new clouds blotted out the sun; making it very cold. The denser gravity made it harder for large species to move, and once they were gone, evolution would see to it that only smaller species would inhabit the earth.
Over the years, some of the water, mostly ice at first, receded to the poles, and an ecological balance was found. The gases of the ozone layer are the only vestige the ice sphere left.
G'ahead...try and disprove it.
It would seem if you want to terraform a planet, a layer of ice would be ideal at first, perhaps essential. Without it would be like not putting ingredients for gelatin into a container until it sets.