
What Kind of Communist Would You Be?


Klaus Schwab, founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, has stated that, in the future, everyone will own nothing and be happy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJTnkzl3K64 After the deep philosophical implications of 'Owning,' 'nothing' wore off, I thought to myself, "Schnikeys! Owning nothing! That's communism! I'm so ill equipped for it!"

Growing up, communism had always been demonized. And now I'm supposed to embrace it! There was a severe shortage of proper demonization in our education system when I was growing up. I don't even know what kind of communist I want to be.

True, there are many books on the true definition of what the ideology actually is,, but none that I've read reflect the existing models. The two biggest players, China and Russia, have made up whatever the hell they wanted and put it under the same umbrella. But they did, at least tell their peeps what they were supposed to be.

I'm being uprooted and cast to the wind with its' sudden thrashing on civility. In my panic to adapt, I have to ask myself, where does that put me?

I think I have to look towards soft power if I'm going to find the true inner Commie. As Joseph Nye, who first coined the concept (in his book, 'Bound to Lead' 1990) stated on February 27, 2018; ( nature.com/articles/palcomm.20178 ) "Power is the ability to affect others to get the outcomes one prefers, and that can be accomplished by coercion, payment, or attraction and persuasion. Soft power is the ability to obtain preferred outcomes by attraction rather than coercion or payment" Well, if subversion can be converted to coercion, I might be able to be a commie, because I already own nothing and am happy, so no credits given or taken here.

Looking at the soft power of Russia and China, will help me determine which individualistic identity best suits me so I might be clothed like everyone else.

China has put tremendous effort and resources into pushing their soft power. The Confucius Institutes, the belt and road initiative, media manipulation... it all wreaks of over-effort. They want to sell a culture after a cultural revolution and boast of raising people out of poverty after a famine. Enough with pandering the panda already! Stop trying so hard!

China officially decided they wanted all the fricken soft power they can get at the seventeenth National Congress of the Chinese Communist party (2007)when the president at the time, Hu Jintao said, "The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will definitely be accompanied by the thriving Chinese culture." And since then there has been an irritating dissonant drone that has risen in pitch, like all the Hu down in Hu-ville, the tall and the small, shouting, "We are here! We are here! We are here!"

Liz Economy, on the council for foreign relations, has stated, "for most countries, there is a pretty clear divide between soft power and public diplomacy...In China that's different because the government is so concerned to both define and construct the political and the cultural narrative." ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ih7Y2Fj8GZ8 ) In other words, the C.C.P. are always in your face. They will wait in wiki and troll all topics; they will watch what you do then redo what you watch; they'll honey-trap and repaint the map. Sheesh! Talk about Cling-ons, right? Like that friend that shows up at your door first thing in the morning, every morning, is annoying as can be all day long, and when it's way too late and your tolerance is beyond fatigued that you finally end up having to kick them out anyway, And every morning, to get in, they start with, "I'm not the same as I was before."

They used to have it happening to some degree. The martial arts that have cultivated in China is worthy of cultural merit, whether it's told in the form of badly subbed movies or learning the actual disciplines, like kung fu or chigong, but then they go whacko on Falun gong and wipe out a huge part of what was good. Not even a movie starring Jackie Chan and Arnold Schwartzenegger can fix that kind of butchery.

I find it hard to see myself as that kind of communist. It sounds like it calls for too much mental masterbation and physical flatulence, I want to be the beard growing kind of Commie I think.

Russians could grow beards, but they don't have to, so maybe they won't. They don't really care for soft power, it seems. It's have an attitude like, "We have just enough for us. Fuck you." You can look at their cars and say LOL and they'll respond with, "Yeah. That's a lot of Lada" and keep it running for thirty years. They're a collective of confident, strong individuals, which, sorry to say, if you are not Russian, you will never be. "Can you dance write, or think like a Russian? No? Fuck off, then."

They're centuries old endeavors for survival have made the people what they are today, and not even politics can change that. "Putin! He's number one!" seems to be the attitude I perceive. Then they do what they want. Stay in the lines and your good to go.

If I were to choose an example to compare China and Russia culturally, they would be:

For China: Jayne Zhang; Dear Jane II https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRpcFNo9orc I suggest putting on the subtitles to get a good understanding on how hard she is trying to be a good Chinese communist.

For the Russians: The Hatters; Russian Style: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1phe0lvmgU0

It would be savage to a Russian Commie, I  think.  But I'm a Canadian so...I guess I'll have to be a Canadian commie.... whatever that is...

Unless... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9StQotPM_Q

 Tell me what you think.