
Babel Babble

If you look closely at the story of the Tower of Babel,you can't help wonder of the intentions of the destroyer, if they had our best intentions in mind, and it shakes your faith even it was as tall as the tower itself, and reached almost to heaven. Firstly let's look at who it was that did it. The old testament bible claims it was God. The Enki tablets claim it was Enlil jealous of the love Marduks' people had for their god. Either way, it can be safe to say it wasn't the God of all creation, due to the nefarious intentions with which it was carried out and corrupting results. The story tells us that at the time people were united as one, and could communicate in the same language. They wanted to honour their god by building a tower that 'reached the heavens.' It can be concluded, then, that people were in tune with the frequency of the universe, and inter-related harmoniously within it. The god who destroyed it didn't like this. He stated he was concerned that humans, in time, would become too smart and would be able to accomplish anything they wanted....why he would consider it a bad thing seems to stem from insecurity; but it sure isn't a bad thing from a persons perspective. So he destroyed it and confused peoples tongue so they spoke different languages after that. By confusing our tongues he caused us to no longer be in tune with the universe, and the true vibration of the word. In a nutshell, he turned our world into a nuthouse. No longer able to communicate the way we could before (telepathically) fomented division; prejudice, discrimination, arrogance, hatred, paranoia, insecurities and the myriad of pychological disorders that have made us such a stark raving mad species. This in turn produced insane manifestations such as wars, nationalism, organized religions and so on. In short, he totally gimped us. As if casting us from Eden wasn't enough, he caused us to plunge into an insane darkness where we would never stand a chance of achieving a path back to the true God-head, which was our God given right at our creation. Like a double bind we are left wondering why our creator would tell us love and show us hate; tell us patience and flip out; tell us tolerance and not tolerate us; tell us compassion and yet be so cruel; to treat others as we would like to be treated yet treat us as vermin. Fortunately for us, because the power of the word is so permeating across all dimensions, we still have a chance of reaching unity again, but wow! what a long, hard, crazy trip it's being. One day, once we recognize our illness, we might be able to regain our true potential. We would also have to figure out how the destroyer of the tower did it, so we can rectify it. My theory is he used the same method to cause the monoliths' destruction as to confuse our tongues, so he could do it in one fell swoop, so to speak. This can be caused by frequencies. The same frequency used to bring the tower down changed a frequency in us, discordant to our natural world and state. In order to return to a sane and natural state, we have to find that frequency and tune ourselves to it. It's hard to find sanity among utter madness, but if we don't become in harmony with the universe again, we could be doomed to extinction.