
The new physics

 Thanks  to the James W4ebb space telescope,our current physics model is slowly crumblingand disolving like a sand castle built on a shore at low tide.

jWST space telescope, our curren.Oh well.It was bound to happen if it wasn't correct and true(which it wasn'tand the tide came inneeds editing)

So here is the new physics;

I Thbased on the theory (fact)that the universeis the cmatics of His word.  e new physics is  all based on the resolution the universe s the cymatics of His word.

     Just a brief note on that first:

Ever since I postulated that approximately t0 yeaars agoI have not had any arguments contrary to it.  Mostly people just do;t say anyting.But anytime someone has it has been in agreement.

but last week when I posted it to the comment sectionof a youtubevideo featuring Roger Ppemrose,someone replied"Yep!"Whether it was him or not is irrelevant:It was all the positive confirmation I needed.

    And now I'm here to save physics.

your welcome.

Having esablished the universe is the cymatics of His word we can now surmise that vibration is the forth missing force along with the sttrong and weak nuclear forces e;lectricity and magnetism.Once this is realized it answers a lot of questions.


     Such as the question;w"What is nothing? The old model would suggest it is the absense of stimmulation from a connscious intelligence that is able toraacknowledges something. The stimulation;such as sightsmell or any other sense we respond to.

They all rely on vibrations to operate.In fact the ears eyes nose nose are vibration translators.

 The fact they would evolve to perfom their functions shows how humans are intuitivelyin naturalharmony with the force of vibration.

The universe is saturated with vibration.There s nothing at rest quantumly.The only places in the universe wher there may not be the force of vibration aare in the areas of space known as voids;such as Bootes void. THE REGULAR flow of cosmology is interrupted in these areas because it lacks that forcethere may still be the nuclear forces and gravity may form the rare bodies in those void areas by using electro magnetism generated in occupied spaces but without the vibration from His word it lacks the exstence of regular ohysics. 

So as the 


The bang theory isfizzling into a popcorn fart; we realize how in the beginning there was only a void, which is the very definition of nothing.And by d the force of vibration into it suddenly starts there something and everything.receptors form to catch and translate the vibratons; electrons are stimulatedelectrons to create electricitywhich is then  spun into magnetism and growing bodies influence the fabric of space time to produce gravity.with gravity activated all the lightest molecules can coaless and bond to form hydrogen.Spark it up and match two oxygen atoms with a hydrogen atom andpresto! the waters are separated from the firmament

      th Thusfromthese simple fundaentalprinciples the process for a complex unverse has begun.

     It is the first cause of the universalpp hysical effectsSoon I will write a piece on the emergence of consciousness thanks to vibration:and the emergence of acomplex system from simple algorythms.Ifa void is all you have to start with you would haveto start small.

   God treeveaals he is the alpha and omega; the beginning and the end.

     having created his mediu; the universe; he then desired to populate it with form and function.  his essence or spirit after all is creator.Knowing he had to put something into the nothingto dispel the void he spoke theword. Theword was always withinHim and with Him.he will the word into existence.

     The word was Jesus:

     Humble and perfect according to His will.

So suddenly there is ahandful of particlesvery small, almost nothing.

     Almost imperseptivelythey react to a a gravity wave fro a great distance, one of the particles begins to bob back and forth, like a ball floating on soe water disturbed by a subtle wave. I t begins to sway faster as the crest of the wave approaches.  When the crest raises the figutative ball and it rolls down the slope of the waveit spins 360 degrees for the first time. Since there isn't ant friction to stop itt, it now continues to spin.Several other particles react to the passing wave in a similar fashionand suddenly there are a dozen particles spinning at quantum possiblesuperpositions  lstates.  Vibration is created. Another sall and subtle machinization of the algorythme reacts to the vibrations of the spinning particles and they begin to synchronize.Once in synchronization, they have becoe a force.t/his force expands in every direction throughout the entirety of the universe.

     Without anything to react with at first, it is meaningless.

     So God sent His son, who was with Him since the beginning, because He knew his son would hear and understand the  word He spoke and freely share it with those with the desire to have ears to hear and eyes to see.Anyone wanting to know the word of God had to go though His son,  first; who is the father, the son and the holy spirit which floated above the void when He began His creation.


     For how can you create  something without starting with humility.First there is zero then there is one.

     At this point it is important for me to disclaim this paper, as not being presumptious about Gods' actual machinisations.  I try t ofully understand how infinately Wise and incomprehendable He is.  (See inner space versus outer space)But if I'm wrong about the machinizations of His ways,I apologize for my arrogance. 

The word would be His vibration translator like eyes to see or ears to hear to guide all of His creations. or hear orrecognize  a creation or if one of His creations did acknowledge his word they would fizzle out of existence like a spent sparklerIf His translator did not see

     Jesus was the roots of His tree of  life.programsand/or order from chaos

     Imagine nothing but you want to create something to fill that void.

     You haven't anything to start with other then the will to do so.

     You yourself are still without form or definition yet are spirit knowing of your own existence e as spirit that has always existed.