
terraforming a new planet

Hey! Look! Up in the sky! It's one of those things that changes the subject!


No really, ;) Why don't we, as Canadians, declare to the world that we will be the first nation to terraform another planet. We can start another global space race...hehe...and give everybody something to strive for besides war...snicker... Besides, if we start now, by the time it's ready, we might be able to visit it, and won't nationalistic borders seem trivial then, eh...sitting on your lawn chair on the moon drinking a beer, looking down at earth...try finding your borders then, eh by.
What we do, see, is first announce to the world we're going to under-go this feat, by establishing an environment on one of the moons of Saturn, say Titan for example. Then when everybody is listenening with enthusiasm, we ask if they want to help. Of course, the other, more obnoxious, leaders will be anxious to maybe take over the project in their name. But we, as Canadians, play their game, and let them give us all the help they want, but keep putting Canadian stickers on it, so to speak. Who cares, really, because by the time it is ready, if we're still here, nationalistic borders will be inconsequential, if existant at all. But it makes it fun, plus they want to keep giving us stuff. And its nice to see children play together well, isn't it?
That only leaves one problem: We don't have to worry about how we're going to do it...other bigger empires have way bigger brains then ours, Lord thunderin, jeez luise, but we have to at least have a plausible explanation to start.
Ogr81 rummages thru his dress-up chest and pulls out his discovering outfit (lab coat, and standard issue fake nose, glasses and moustache)
Here is my proposal: (ahem) First we seed the planet with elements that will produce life in the future. Then we surround the planet with a layer of ice approximately 12 miles from the surface, where the gravitational pull will sustain it. Once its in its biosphere, things will start to grow, and eventually become self-sustaining. Then you chunk off the ice and go check it out. Easy.
All the rest of the stuff, like what kind of longnitudinal electro-magnetic waves we should use, preserving the solar balance, what ingredients go into a pri-mordial stew and who will get beer, we'll leave to the really smart guys, and just keep reminding them that we thought of it first.
And when we get there, and are about to plant the good ol' Maple Leaf in the ground, we could laugh and tell how we was just having them on, and it belonged to everybody just like the earth.
Who says they're in?
Wait! Look! It's one of those things that changes the subject! HA!!!