The future religion. (part1:the first commandment.The followingworks off te idea of my core belief;"the universe is the cymatics of His Word:
This piece assumes the universe is the cymatics of His word.
Religion,reresents thespiritual side of humansAlthough incorpeal by nature , it is undeniably real and is evidenced by the manifestations of intricately designed cathedrals,highly motivated rituals and a willingness to actually devote ones life to its' tenets and abstract dogma.
.It is The drive to define absolute trutht so we can know orselves better.
This need for i truth, cannot be quelched.It is a part of what we are, like physicality or mentality.
Every religion that exissts, has ever existed or will exist has created God in their own image when they have endevoured to define their spirituality.with words or icons.
Referring to the christain sourse of interpretation; the holy bible ,our God states He is spirituality.And he cites as the first commandment:Thou shalt have o other Gods.
By doing so, He isputting his credibility on the line right away.
In order to have a suitable refferenceto help us define our spirituality, it would have to be iabsolutelytrue.In fact spirituality is the search for absolute truth.
SO HE IS saying he is absolute truth.Anything other than Him is not absolute truth, so don't let it mire your spirituality or you will be waylayed fromyour spirits' purpose, which is the tpursuit of truth on a i long winding path that is only one person wide.
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He then goes on to offer in the Abrahamic commandments, thou shalt not have any graven iumage or likeness of anything that is in the heaven above, r in the earth or that is in the water beneath the earth.
The water that is under the earth is in the form of a rquadrimorphic mineral we call ringwoodite which absorbs water in one of its' states(So somethng happened to the pressure and/or the temperature of earths core when the water gushed out during the flood.;though shalt not bow down to them, nor serve them.
Consistent with Hisclaim He is absolute t ruth, he reveals what is required to grow your spirit further.
Spirituality is not material.If you are an artist trying to express your true perception of beauty in a painting you wouldn't ask a wallabe to model for you. As beautiful as a wallabe will be in a a wallabe world, it would just block your vision of true beauty which is etherial.
hHow could you depict your expressions without relating them to something tangible? you might ask.
And how can you give due reverence to something you do not understand?
By emenating beauty that is from you that comes from a spiritualitythat is from Him or is Him.
This is where faith as small as a mustard seed begins to bloom.
The mustard seed doesn't knowwhat it had been fashioned from or how it will grow.
I has a fertile ground and optimum conditions, so it is jus tdoing what is most natural and easiest for it to do, which is to flouris hin its' opportunity to do so.
Despite the good intentons(pehaps) of someone trying to start a rleigion that best representsGod, it is still only a reresentation and is not God, so is in err.and is a sin, because it is deviatedfrom its'true essence
True spirituality from the one true God requires you ackjnwledging a connection to Him that will allow your spirituality to flourish like the mustard seed and by faith fullyfollowing His commandments so you won't get distract distracted by material acceptenceo of false realities.
in short, let your faithguide you and shut up.You can't define something if you can't get ther e nor know what it looks like.If this belief is accepted and lived by all religions, there wouldn't be anyreligious conflict.
it is this type f faith, I think I believethat allowed Jesus to perform the miracle of the fish and loaves, b6y drawing from the infinite spirituaity of the universe.
Naw, just kidding, don'tlisten to me.
listen to Him.